Fr. John Alex Pinto, OCD (New Pastor from July 25, 2019)Dear Parishioners,Thank you for the warm welcome accorded to me last week as I celebrated my first weekend masses. During the homily I proclaimed that we are seekers who want to discover. Discover ourselves in our personal encounter with the Divine and with one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. I invited you to know more about myself and I will try to know more about you in our journey together as pilgrim people.This weekend we meet another person in the Gospel who wants his share of the property, his inheritance. Jesus refused to speak that word but rather Jesus tells him “Take care! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed.”. Whatever does not help you to grow in your relationship with our loving God and His beloved people need to be screened and rejected as not helpful. As disciples of Christ we are called to build the Kingdom, in other words, invite your friends and others to experience your faith. If they are not practising their faith, please suggest them gently to return to their roots. If you know anyone who wants to be a catholic, suggest them to call the parish office so that they can join our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). For me, this one of my top priorities as Pastor. Please make your priority too. This is what Jesus said before he ascended to heaven, “Go, proclaim and baptize”. This is our mission; this is the mission of the church. The church exists for this purpose. We are in the summer season. The rose garden planted by Fr. Steny attracts lots of people and needs care and attention. If someone can volunteer to care for it with tender love and attention, please contact the parish office. I also like to thank Fr. Steny for ministering this parish and I thank everyone for your stewardship of time, talent and treasure.God bless you,Rev. John Alex Pinto, OCD